I have a budget beauty find!!! Some of you may have known about this for a LONG time but I recently discovered "Sinful Colors" brand nail polish.

This little number is from a few seasons back but I adore the color. It's called "Feeling Great" and at $1.99 a bottle, I can definitely say that about it. I picked up several colors from Walgreens, but I know I have also seen this brand at Target.
You might be wondering if this brand is worth the budget price. YES! That's the very reason I'm sharing this tip with you. It wears well, REALLY well. I put on a single coat yesterday morning. I did the normal stuff day to day stuff. I washed dishes, played with kiddos and cleaned. The edges of my nails were just starting to wear away a day later. Today, I added a second coat, just before this picture was taken. It's a great, budget polish found at most of your popular drugstores. I love this brand and plan to stock up on a few more fun colors.
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